School Choice Attorney in Michigan

children at school

Are you struggling to agree with your ex-spouse on the right school for your child? At Kraayeveld Family Law, we understand the importance of your child’s education and are here to assist you with your school choice case.

For over 30 years, our team has been known for providing individualized attention and achieving excellent results through settlements or in court. We can guide you through the necessary steps in making your wishes for your children’s school choice known and ensuring that their best interests are paramount.

Contact Kraayeveld Family Law today for an initial consultation and to start working with a team as committed to your child’s educational success as you are.

Why You Need an Attorney to Handle Your Michigan School Choice Matter

Having a skilled Michigan school choice lawyer by your side is essential when dealing with school choice issues in Michigan. School choice can significantly influence your child’s education, affecting where they can attend school and the quality of education they receive. This is why you need a firm like Kraayeveld Family Law to handle your Michigan school choice matter.

Kraayeveld Family Law stands out because of our dedication to fighting zealously for our clients. When you come to us for help, you can count on us to remain fully and solely committed to your interests, not to the court or the opposing counsel. This means we always aim to secure the most favorable outcome possible for you and your child.

Our team provides personalized attention every step of the way, swiftly responding to calls and emails so you’ll never feel left out of the loop. We know how important school choice is for parents and how time is everything when getting their child(ren) enrolled within deadlines. That’s why our attorneys and legal support team make it a point to respond to client calls and emails promptly. We have a one-business-day guarantee, which ensures that you do not need to wait longer than necessary for answers to your pressing questions.

Choosing Kraayeveld Family Law means putting your school choice matter into the hands of attorneys committed to achieving excellent results and protecting your rights throughout the process.

What Happens If My Former Spouse and I Cannot Agree on School Enrollment for Our Child(ren)?

If you and your former spouse can’t agree on which school your child should attend, you might need to go to court to resolve the issue. If this occurs, a judge will decide based on what is best for your child. The court will consider factors like the quality of the schools in question, your child’s specific needs, and each parent’s ability to support their education.

During this process, both parents will have the opportunity to present evidence supporting their preferred school choice. Ultimately, the judge’s primary goal is to ensure the decision serves the child’s best interests and provides them with a stable and supportive educational environment.

What’s the Best Evidence for a Parent to Present in a School Choice Court Motion?

In a school choice case in Michigan, presenting strong evidence is crucial to support your position on where your child should attend school. Among the evidence that could strengthen your case include the following:

  • Report cards and academic records
  • Letters from teachers or school administrators
  • Documentation of special educational needs
  • School brochures and information on available programs
  • Evidence of your child’s extracurricular activities
  • Testimonials from coaches or activity leaders
  • School safety records and statistics
  • Maps showing the distance between the home and school
  • Traffic analysis for travel time to and from schools
  • Records of your involvement in your child’s school activities
  • Testimony from child psychologists or counselors
  • Calendars showing your child’s weekly schedule
  • Emails or communications with the school
  • Photographs of the school facilities
  • School awards or certificates your child has earned
  • Medical records relevant to your child’s educational needs
  • Community ties related to the school