Child Custody Attorney in Grand Haven
When parents separate or divorce, one of the most significant issues they must resolve is how to share custody of their children. Separated parents who want to preserve a close relationship with their children may vigorously contest custody in court.
When you find yourself in a custody dispute with your ex, you need experienced legal representation to protect your parental rights. At Kraayeveld Family Law, we are known for providing individualized attention and achieving excellent results through settlements or in court. For over 30 years, our law firm has guided thousands of satisfied clients through the necessary steps in child custody matters.
Discover how we can help you pursue a favorable custody arrangement that allows you to remain involved in your child’s life. Contact Kraayeveld Family Law to schedule a consultation with a Grand Haven, MI, child custody lawyer.
How Kraayeveld Family Law Can Help with Your Grand Haven, MI, Child Custody Case
The legal team at Kraayeveld Family Law is dedicated to assisting clients with all kinds of child custody issues. These include child custody for unmarried parents and the impact of ever-evolving Michigan custody laws.
Our firm can help you pursue a fair resolution to a custody dispute by investigating your case to secure evidence we can use to build compelling arguments in support of your position. We can also guide you and advocate for your interests if you pursue mediation to settle your custody dispute. If it becomes necessary, we will tenaciously advocate in court to pursue your preferred custody arrangement or seek relief if your ex violates the terms of your custody order.
As longtime family law attorneys, we know how much is at stake for your relationship with your child(ren). It’s undeniable that you will feel constant pressure because of your situation and have crucial questions about what’s to come. That’s why our law firm makes it a priority to promptly respond when you reach out to us. We have a one-business-day guarantee to ensure that we address your concerns quickly.
When you retain a Grand Haven, MI, child custody attorney from Kraayeveld Family Law, you can rest easy knowing your situation is in capable and supportive hands.
What Are the Different Types of Child Custody in Grand Haven,Michigan?
Michigan child custody laws involve two forms of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody in Michigan refers to a parent’s right to have their child reside with them and decide their everyday activities. Legal custody refers to a parent’s right to make decisions regarding their child’s upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religious instruction.
Parents may have sole or joint custody. Sole custody means only one parent gets to exercise physical or legal custody. Joint custody means parents split parenting time and collaborate on decisions regarding their children.
What Must Judges Consider in Grand Haven Child Custody Cases?
In resolving child custody disputes, trial judges must consider whether a proposed custody arrangement serves the child’s best interests. The child’s best interests take precedence over other considerations, such as the parents’ wishes. Courts consider various factors in determining what constitutes a child’s best interest.
Michigan custody factors include:
- The love, affection, and emotional ties between the child and each parent
- Each parent’s capacity to provide the child with love, affection, and guidance and to continue the child’s education and upbringing
- The capacity of each parent to meet the child’s material needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care
- The length of time the child has lived in a satisfactory, stable environment and the desirability of having them remain in that environment
- The permanence of the family unit in any existing or proposed custodial home(s)
- The moral fitness of each parent
- The mental and physical health of the child and each parent
- The child’s home, schooling, and community environment and involvement
- Each parent’s willingness to facilitate and encourage a close parent-child relationship between the child and the other parent
- Any history of domestic violence or child abuse
- The child’s preferences, if the court determines the child is mature enough to express a reasonable preference
The law also allows courts to consider any other factor relevant to the family’s circumstances, such as the state of each parent’s home environment, the family’s economic circumstances, and the parents’ criminal histories (if any).
Can I Have My Child Custody Agreement Modified in Grand Haven?
Your family’s circumstances can change at any time, which may make your custody arrangement less practical than it once was. Fortunately, parents can return to court to request a modification of the custody order. In addition to proving changed circumstances, the parent seeking modification must also prove that a proposed modification will serve their child’s best interests.
Circumstances that might warrant modification of custody include:
- Changes to a parent’s work schedule
- Changes to a parent’s living arrangements such as a new relationship
- Parental relocation
- A parent or child suffering severe illness or disability
- A parent developing behavioral or substance abuse issues
- Instability in a parent’s living situation
- Domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect
How Can I Improve My Chances of Securing My Desired Custody or Visitation Rights?
Although Michigan child custody law does not favor one parent over the other, you can improve your chances of having the court approve your preferred custody arrangement or one close to it.
Things you should do to give yourself an advantage during custody proceedings include:
- Get Involved in Your Child’s Life – Take advantage of every opportunity to participate in your child’s life. These include attending school events, sporting events, and recitals, taking your child to medical appointments, and communicating with their teachers regarding their progress in school.
- Document Your Involvement – Begin recording the ways you contribute to your child’s daily life.
- Create a Stable Environment – Courts prefer to keep things as stable as possible for children when their parents divorce or separate. Work on achieving stable employment and housing if you need to do so. Try to remain in or as close to the family home as possible to avoid taking your child out of their current environment.
- Remain Civil – You should develop a respectful, productive working relationship with your child’s other parent. Avoid badmouthing your ex in front of your child or doing anything that might jeopardize their relationship with their other parent.
- Anticipate Your Ex’s Strategy – Consider what kind of custody arrangement your ex might want and what arguments they may make to secure their preferred arrangement.
How Long Can a Child Custody Case Take in Grand Haven, Michigan?
New case filings must be completed within one year.
However, various circumstances will influence the duration of a specific child custody case, including:
- Whether the custody matter occurs in the context of divorce
- Whether the parents agree on a custody arrangement and parenting time schedule
- Whether parents have made allegations of domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect
- Whether either parent suffers from personal challenges, such as unemployment, unstable housing, or substance abuse issues
- The need for the involvement of experts, such as psychologists, family therapists, or parenting coordinators
Do I Need a Lawyer Even If My Co-Parent and I Agree on How to Share Custody?
Even when couples can agree on how to share custody of their children, they can best protect their interests by working with experienced legal counsel.
A Michigan child custody lawyer from Kraayeveld Family Law can help you draft a consent order that reflects your custody agreement with your ex. You can submit the consent order to the court for approval, making your agreement enforceable.
With the court’s approval of your custody agreement, you can pursue relief from the court if your ex changes their mind about your agreement or stops following its terms.
How Far Can a Parent Move with Joint Custody in Grand Haven?
In a joint custody arrangement, the 100-mile rule restricts a custodial parent’s ability to relocate the child’s residence. A parent who wishes to move the child’s residence more than 100 miles away or outside of Michigan must either obtain the consent of the child’s other parent or court approval.
The 100-mile rule does not apply if the child’s parents already live more than 100 miles apart or if the proposed relocation would bring the parents’ residences closer together.
A court must consider several factors in deciding whether to approval a parental relocation, including:
- Whether the proposed relocation can improve the child’s and relocating parent’s quality of life
- The degree to which the parents have complied with and utilized their parenting time under the custody order
- Whether the relocating parent has proposed to move to frustrate the other parent’s parenting time
- Whether any modification of the parenting time schedule following a relocation would preserve and foster the child’s relationship with both parents and whether both parents would likely comply with such a modification
- Whether the parent opposing relocation has done so to obtain a financial advantage concerning child and spousal support
- Whether the family has any history of domestic violence
Contact Our Grand Haven Child Custody Lawyers Today
When you find yourself in a child custody dispute, you need knowledgeable legal help to protect your rights and your relationship with your children. Our Grand Haven attorneys are here to support you through your custody challenges with tenacity, determination, care, and compassion.
Contact Kraayeveld Family Law today for a confidential consultation with a child custody lawyer in Grand Haven, MI. You’ll learn how to file for custody in Michigan and discuss your options for pursuing a favorable resolution to your child custody case.