Family Law Attorney in Cascade

Getting a Divorce? Our Kent County Family Law Attorneys Can Help

Hiring a Michigan family law attorney is usually not something a person looks forward to doing. But if you are involved in a divorce or child custody dispute, having a lawyer by your side is often the best decision you can make. At Kraayeveld Family Law, we know that going to court regarding a child custody dispute is a big step. That is why we meet with clients, provide them with the necessary information to determine what is best for them and their children.

We Represent Cascade Township Residents in All Family Law Matters

As part of Kent County, family law disputes in Cascade Township are subject to the jurisdiction of Michigan’s 17th Circuit Court. Kraayeveld Family Law is a full-service family law firm that can represent you in any of the following areas:

  • Divorce Litigation: Divorce involves one spouse filing a lawsuit against the other spouse. Even though Michigan is a “no-fault” divorce state, the divorce itself may still be contested. This leads to a process of discovery where both sides can seek information from the other and, if necessary, have their disagreements tried and decided by a Circuit Court judge.
  • Child Custody, Visitation, and Support: Michigan law establishes certain guidelines regarding custody and support obligations for minor children. While the courts strongly encourage parents to reach agreement on these subjects, a judge can intervene and decide which arrangements will be in the best interests of the child’s health and well-being.
  • Grandparent Rights: Michigan law recognizes the important role that many grandparents play in their grandchildren’s lives. For that reason, a child’s parents can include visitation rights for grandparents in any agreement regarding child custody. But in limited cases, a grandparent may also seek visitation rights (“grandparenting time”) even without the consent of the parents.
  • Prenuptial Agreements: Many couples sign an agreement before (or after) marriage that specifies how to divide their property in the event of a divorce. Such agreements may also address other potential issues such as whether one spouse will pay alimony to the other. It is important for both sides to work with their own attorneys when negotiating or signing a prenup to help ensure the agreement is later upheld by a court.
  • Relocation issues. After parents separate, they will likely need the court’s permission to move more than 100 miles or out of state. The Kraayeveld Family Law attorneys can assist clients with obtaining the Court’s permission to move and if necessary obtain a new visitation or parenting time order that works better with the new geographical location.
  • School Choice. Where your child attends school is a big decision.  If you and your partner cannot reach an agreement, the Kraayeveld Family Law attorneys can assist with reaching an agreement or obtain a favorable court order.

Speak With a Cascade, Michigan, Family Law Attorney Today

Not all family law disputes end up in protracted litigation. Our team at Kraayeveld Family Law has assisted many clients in resolving their differences through mediation and voluntary negotiation. But we are also prepared to fight for our clients in court if that is what will serve their interests best.

If you have questions or concerns about the family law process, call us today at 616-285-0808 or start a conversation with us online. There is no obligation when speaking to us. We only want to learn more about your situation and explain how we can help.