Woodruff is nearly five months old and went on his first trip to the court building. Attorney Kendra Ortega attended several hearings in the 17th Circuit Court, and Woodruff accompanied her. It was quite an adventure for Woodruff and Kendra.
When attending a hearing at the 17th Circuit Court, litigants and attorneys must first go through security. Woodruff managed the metal detectors just great, but when he jubilantly decided to greet the Kent County Sheriff’s officers, the officer felt the need to question where Woodruff would go.
Woodruff’s next adventure was the elevator, and he made it clear why PAWS dogs need a lot of training and public outings during his training period at Kraayeveld Family Law. The elevator ride was terrifying for Woodruff. He decided to sprawl like a hot dog in the middle of the elevator, eliminating access into and off the elevator for many other attorneys on this particular elevator ride.
Woodruff still has access to his extra battery pack of energy, and he happily bounced towards the courtroom. Because Kendra is determined to do a great job for her clients, Woodruff did not receive the privilege to go into the courtroom to assist when Kendra argued her client’s case. Kendra’s client is probably very thankful for that because Kendra did extremely well at her hearing and did not only win, she also obtained monetary sanctions on behalf of her client. Go Kendra!
Team effort to get Woodruff out of the court building!