

Our Paws Puppy Our firm is excited to announce the addition of a new firm member. Woodruff, who sometimes goes by Woody, but when he’s too aggressively pursuing his interests is called Woodruff Penfold, III. We have been blessed and as a firm wanted to give back to our community and decided to train Woodruff, our PAWS […]

mom and daughter

Mom and daughter seemingly enjoying their collected child support in a MSN news article A recent news article claimed that “[m]other, 73, wins child support for her 52-year-old daughter after her ‘deadbeat ex’ who fled to Canada when their child was just three years old finally returns to the US”. The article shows happy mom with daughter lounging […]

Divorce After Age 50 According to Pew research, the divorce rate of adults ages 50 and older has roughly doubled since the 1990s. And just because more baby boomers made the choice to separate, it does not mean that it’s any easier. After nearly three decades of practice, our firm has compiled a list of […]

It Sometimes is Not That Easy to Leave an Abusive Relationship Domestic violence victims, or more precisely referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) victims, nearly always report that when they met, they thought that their partner was attentive, caring and basically the nicest date they’d ever had. It isn’t that the victim was wrong […]

Family Pet

Getting divorced is often a difficult, stressful and painful situation that can have lasting consequences for everyone involved. That’s particularly true for couples with children, who will have a number of decisions to make about where the kids should live and how they should be cared for and raised. Even when child custody and support issues are […]

Divorce is a common occurrence that can stem from a wide variety of factors, including family, money, career, personal and other issues. For some reason, however, couples seem to be calling it quits more frequently in one area of Michigan than elsewhere. More than 20 percent of all residents 15 or older in the City […]

The separation of church and state is a principle that dates back to the early days of the United States and is often mistakenly believed to be part of the First Amendment of the Constitution. The concept stands for the proposition that government should not be intertwined with religion by putting its stamp of approval […]

Michigan legislators recently introduced a package of nine bills to overhaul the state’s cash bail system, including for people who have child support arrears. Proponents of the legislation and the lawmakers introducing the legislation argue that the current law, which often requires people charged with a crime to put up significant amounts of cash if they want […]

A joint custody bill that died in the Michigan legislature last year could get another look in 2019. That’s likely to prompt a new debate about the possible impact on victims of domestic abuse. The Michigan Shared Custody Act would create a presumption that divorcing parents will share custody of their children. State Senator Jim Runestad (White […]

A bill to support shared custody arrangements following divorce stalled in the Michigan legislature last year, but could very well have new life in 2019. A last minute push wasn’t enough to get the Michigan Shared Parenting Act across the goal line last year. The bill, sponsored by former state representative Jim Runestad (R), would generally require […]