Congratulations, Aaron!


Today we witnessed the swearing in of attorney Aaron P. Bainbridge. We are excited that Aaron accepted a position at our firm and joined our team of family law attorneys.

Aaron has been passionate about helping people and becoming an attorney since eighth grade when he participated in a mock trial in school.  After graduating from Grand Valley State University, Aaron attended and graduated cum laude from Michigan State University School of Law.

Aaron loves his community. He grew up in Rockford, and he always planned to live in West Michigan to provide legal assistance to the people in his local community.

Aaron is married to Michelle. They are proud dog parents of Zoey.

After many years of studying and then graduating from law school, attorneys must pass a bar exam before they are admitted to the bar. In 2018, one-third of the applicants did not pass the bar exam. After passing the bar exam, Aaron took the oath of office today and signed the register of all attorneys accepted to the Kent County bar. The same register is signed by President Gerald Ford, and attorneys Jim Kraayeveld and Courtney Sierra. (Kendra Ortega was sworn in as an attorney in Ottawa County). We are excited that Aaron was accepted to this honorable bar and joined our firm!

Congratulations Aaron!

Attorney’s Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm):

I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Michigan;

I will maintain the respect due to courts of justice and judicial officers;

I will not counsel or maintain any suit or proceeding which shall appear to me to be unjust, nor any defense except such as I believe to be honestly debatable under the law of the land;

I will employ for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to me such means only as are consistent with truth and honor, and will never seek to mislead the judge or jury by any artifice or false statement of fact or law;

I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client, and will accept no compensation in connection with my client’s business except with my client’s knowledge and approval;

I will abstain from all offensive personality, and advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness, unless required by the justice of the cause with which I am charged;

I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed, or delay any cause for lucre or malice;

I will in all other respects conduct myself personally and professionally in conformity with the high standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bar as conditions for the privilege to practice law in this State.

At Kraayeveld Family Law, all we do is family law. We have over 30 years of success in West Michigan in divorce cases, child custody matters, high-net-worth asset disputes, and family law appeals.