Category: General
Yesterday, January 8, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court adopted an amendment to the Michigan Court Rules explicitly allowing the public to bring and use cell phones in the courthouse and courtrooms as long as the phone is set to silent. The Supreme Court’s news release sums up the changes. There are some pros and cons to this ruling. Historically, most courtrooms […]

Today we witnessed the swearing in of attorney Aaron P. Bainbridge. We are excited that Aaron accepted a position at our firm and joined our team of family law attorneys. Aaron has been passionate about helping people and becoming an attorney since eighth grade when he participated in a mock trial in school. After graduating […]

Woodruff is nearly five months old and went on his first trip to the court building. Attorney Kendra Ortega attended several hearings in the 17th Circuit Court, and Woodruff accompanied her. It was quite an adventure for Woodruff and Kendra. When attending a hearing at the 17th Circuit Court, litigants and attorneys must first go through security. Woodruff managed […]

Our Paws Puppy Our firm is excited to announce the addition of a new firm member. Woodruff, who sometimes goes by Woody, but when he’s too aggressively pursuing his interests is called Woodruff Penfold, III. We have been blessed and as a firm wanted to give back to our community and decided to train Woodruff, our PAWS […]

If you are getting ready to file your taxes for the first time after your divorce or final custody order, there are important things to consider such as the child credit, transfer taxes on real estate and retirement accounts and deductions for spousal support. Read on to see what information we’ve gathered for you. First, we […]