Category: General
A new survey highlights some of the financial benefits that single mothers get from parenting time arrangements in which the schedule is split 50/50 with a child’s other parent. The study also shows that those arrangements remain relatively rare. Women with a 50/50 parenting time schedule are more than three times more likely (325%) to […]

When an attorney and the client discuss the client’s case, the conversation between the attorney and client is attorney-client privileged, which means it is confidential. Logically, this makes sense. An attorney needs his or her client to be honest about the situation so that the attorney can anticipate responses or prepare a defense when bad […]
More than a year after COVID-19 began wreaking havoc on families in Michigan, across the country, and around the world, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are becoming more readily available, allowing people to start planning for an eventual return to “normal” life after the pandemic. Still, the inoculation effort can […]

Often divorcing parents spend a lot of attorney fees litigating their child custody and parenting time arrangements and a few months after the divorce is final, they wonder if they get to claim their children as a qualifying children on their tax return. Our Grand Rapids family law attorneys can help you with some answers. This situation can be […]
Excitement is building for the kids. Costume shopping is happening. But what if this is the first year that you are a single parent? Most parents don’t really think much about Halloween when they are deciding on a parenting time schedule. Does your parenting time schedule address Halloween as a holiday? It could; maybe it should! If it does […]
Our Grand Rapids high-asset divorce attorney knows that going through a divorce can be stressful and challenging, even when spouses agree to work together to end their marriage. But according to a new study from the University of Michigan, it can also have a crippling effect on your prospects for retirement. Divorce is the top reason that Americans raid […]
At Kraayeveld Family Law, our Grand Rapids child custody attorneys advise parents in child custody and a wide range of related family law matters. Our team has seen just how contentious these matters can get when one or both parents refuse to take a collaborative approach to resolving these cases. The recent arrest of three people accused […]

Alarming Statistics and Who is at Risk A recent article in Psychology Today provided that the rate of suicide for people who are divorced or separated is 2.4 times greater than those who are married. More surprising is the huge difference in the suicide rate among divorced men compared to divorced women. Divorced men were nine times more like […]
We wanted to give you a general update what to expect regarding your case during the COVID-19 outbreak. Rules have changed a few times and we expect that they will change again. Please call our staff to get the latest update when you are scheduled to attend a hearing or if the uncertainty of your court […]

What Does It Take to Remove a Judge From Your Case or From the Bench? Family Court judge Dawn Gentry was suspended with pay after a hearing during which nine allegations were leveled against the judge. The Judge, who was appointed in 2016, allegedly had a sexual relationship with a local pastor, and she had […]