Category: Custody
As we approach tax season, everyone is looking to minimize their taxable income and maximize their tax deductions. One of the common credits available to parents is the Child Tax Credit, which allows for up to $2,000 per qualifying dependent child and reduces your tax bill on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The Child Tax Credit is […]

Every parent could use some inspiration what to do with the kids this Christmas break, and we’re here to help with our top suggestions! Let’s start the Christmas spirit with an early afternoon at the Critter Barn to see their live nativity. It’s free although they accept donations. Or, if you don’t have little kids, visit […]

Today, October 10, is Mental Health Awareness Day. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. These two subjects often intersect; sometimes with disastrous results. Let’s explore. In a domestic abuse situation, the physical abuse is frequently accompanied by emotional abuse. To prevent the victim from reporting the abuse, the abuser will often create an environment where the victim […]

The Michigan Court of Appeals issued an interesting opinion yesterday. As you may know, the Court of Appeals reviews a lower court’s ruling to determine whether the judge followed Michigan law. At the trial level, one judge rules on the matter; at the Court of Appeals level, three judges review the case. The Court of Appeals […]

So much in life is about expectations. We become angry when our expectations aren’t met. When parents live separated, they usually develop different routines, different lifestyles, and when confronted with the other parent’s differences, frustrations abound. We’ve listed some of the conflicts we repeatedly saw last school year and what could be reasonable resolutions to those […]
A joint custody bill that died in the Michigan legislature last year could get another look in 2019. That’s likely to prompt a new debate about the possible impact on victims of domestic abuse. The Michigan Shared Custody Act would create a presumption that divorcing parents will share custody of their children. State Senator Jim Runestad (White […]
A bill to support shared custody arrangements following divorce stalled in the Michigan legislature last year, but could very well have new life in 2019. A last minute push wasn’t enough to get the Michigan Shared Parenting Act across the goal line last year. The bill, sponsored by former state representative Jim Runestad (R), would generally require […]
Same-sex couples looking to have children often consider turning to services like adoption or in vitro fertilization. What’s out of the ordinary is when a sperm donor demands that he has parental rights. Jermaine Walker is locked in a court battle with Dian Stephens and Connie Brown over a nine-year-old girl. Walker and Stephens were […]
February 11-17 is Children of Alcoholics week. During this week, we and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NCADD) would like to bring awareness to the hidden problem of alcoholism and the support available to those families. When one parent abuses alcohol or other substances, it will take a toll on the relationship between the […]

You are a mom or a dad, you were happily married, but definitely not a marathon runner. We’re here to tell you that if you are reading this blog, you started your marathon, or you may be starting your marathon soon. Not only are you running a marathon, but you are also going to do […]