Author: Kraayeveld Family Law

Divorcing a spouse who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be a difficult and emotionally taxing experience. People who suffer from BPD exhibit intense and unstable emotions, impulsivity, and have a distorted self-image. It can be challenging to cope with a partner who has BPD, and we are here to help you figure out […]

When your attorney suggests hiring a forensic accountant, your immediate thoughts may be: “Why would I waste money on an accountant?”, “How much is that going to cost me?”, and “How will that benefit me?” We’re here to answer your questions and explain why we often work with forensic accountants. What is a Forensic Accountant and […]

Check your court order during spring. Many court orders include a provision requiring parents to give each other some type of notice when they want to spend time with their children during the summer. The common deadline is May 1. And of course, don’t forget to give notice. Even if you have given timely notice, take […]

Rental properties are a lucrative side business for many couples. During a divorce, the division of a rental property often creates additional problems. First, you will have to consider what will happen to the rental properties; second, rental properties are often a means to accumulate additional assets and they can be a source of income […]
Prenuptial agreements, also known as premarital agreements or prenups, are legal contracts that are entered into before marriage. It is possible to enter into a similar agreement after the wedding, in which case it is called a postnuptial agreement or postnup. A prenuptial agreement outlines the terms of property division and spousal support in the […]
When you end up searching the Internet for divorce and gambling, your home life has likely been pretty bad. If you are like our other clients, you probably had some conversations politely asking your spouse to stop his or her destructive behavior. At first, they may have minimized the gambling problem or disagreed that they […]
Although there is limited research regarding the divorce rate for parents with a special needs child, some studies, such as a study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, found that parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were more likely to divorce compared to parents of children without a developmental disability. […]
Divorce With a Special Needs Child When parents of a special needs child separate or divorce, child support can be a complex issue. The cost of caring for a child with special needs is often higher than for a child with no disabilities due to medical expenses, therapy, specialized equipment, and other related costs. In Michigan, child […]
When a marriage ends in divorce, one of the major issues that must be addressed is the property division, including any business interests. According to Michigan Divorce Law, Any time assets and debts must be divided, some discovery or exploring of the assets’ values must be done. However, whether one spouse owns a separate property […]
Actor Angelina Jolie’s new accusations of abuse by her ex-husband and fellow Hollywood star Brad Pitt have already caught the attention of Tinsel Town, a wide range of media outlets, and celebrity watchers around the globe. Jolie says that Pitt was physically abusive to her and the couple’s children, accusations that recently became public in one of […]