Author: Kraayeveld Family Law

A military man divorcing from his wife

From start to finish, a military divorce is different, but at the same time quite similar. The similarity to a ‘regular’ divorce may create some comfort which in turn may create some pitfalls. Before You Start… The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) affords service members with some benefits that are not provided to civilians. For […]

Race, start and hands of runners on track at arena for speed challenge, marathon event.

You are a mom or a dad, you were happily married, but definitely not a marathon runner. We’re here to tell you that if you are reading this blog, you started your marathon, or you may be starting your marathon soon. Not only are you running a marathon, but you are also going to do […]

Stop in Your Tracks… Why Are You Fighting? Undoubtedly, you’ve had this happen. You go round and round. He mentions that time when you did that… She angrily mentions the time when he went there… And somewhere in the process, for a fleeting moment, you wonder how this fight started. Often, that subject seems inconsequential […]

Michigan has adopted a child support formula. The guidelines start out pretty clear: “the court must order child support in the amount determined by this formula”. With the available software implementing the formula, calculating child support can be quite straightforward. But, then there is daycare; and most parents do not realize the significant impact of the daycare […]