Year: 2024

On January 1, 2025, the 2025 child support formula will go into effect. In Michigan, courts must follow the Michigan Child Support Formula (MCSF) when determining how much financial support each parent must contribute towards the raising of their children. The child support formula is very specific how child support should be calculated and takes […]

As time passes, the terms of your divorce decree may become unworkable for you and your family. You, your ex-spouse, and your children may experience significant changes, such as changes in custody arrangements, parenting schedules, employment losses, or substantial income increases. When these changed circumstances occur, can you modify your Michigan divorce decree? Grounds for […]

Michigan divorces and child custody cases involve complex legal and logistical challenges, including how much time the child will spend with each parent. If you’re considering moving with joint custody, doing so could significantly affect custody issues. If you want to move to another state or relocate more than 100 miles away within Michigan, you […]

Smartphones’ increased availability and sophistication means these devices often contain a wealth of information people would rather keep private. The rise of smartphones has also led to more spouses spying on their partners’ phones before or during a divorce. While reliable figures are hard to come by, one report from the United Kingdom suggests that […]

Summer is a time when children can explore their interests, learn new skills, and engage in extracurricular activities. However, for divorced or separated parents sharing custody or parenting time, managing these activities can present unique challenges. Balancing the desire for your child to participate in enriching experiences while adhering to the custody schedule requires careful […]

Most spouses are very uncomfortable discussing their wish to have a prenuptial agreement in place. When spouses manage the difficult conversation, then spend the time and money on reaching an agreement on the terms of prenuptial agreement, they logically want to make sure that they can rely on the terms of the prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreements […]

No one wants to start the conversation about a prenuptial agreement. It’s just not a romantic topic. It may feel that you are already planning for the marriage to end in divorce, but there are situations when a prenuptial agreement makes complete sense, and with some preparation, you can discuss the option with your future spouse. Here are the top […]

Why You Should Attend a Divorce Support Group Going through a divorce takes a lot of time and energy, causes a lot of pain, and is financially draining. A divorce does not happen overnight. Often the marriage was declining for years, and the emotional toll has been harming each spouse’s mental health for a prolonged period of […]

Venturing into the world of divorce can often feel like twisting through a labyrinth, especially when rental properties enter the scene. Figuring out how to divide these valuable assets may stir up more than just emotional turmoil; it also plays into financial concerns and future stability. Navigating this terrain is far from simple, but understanding […]

Parents often ask us “at what age can my child choose with whom they want to live?”. Children may express their preference to spend more time with one parent. Sometimes children ask the question because they are just sad when their time ends at one home, and sometimes, children have a well thought reason for asking […]