Year: 2022

Actor Angelina Jolie’s new accusations of abuse by her ex-husband and fellow Hollywood star Brad Pitt have already caught the attention of Tinsel Town, a wide range of media outlets, and celebrity watchers around the globe. Jolie says that Pitt was physically abusive to her and the couple’s children, accusations that recently became public in one of […]

Money problems are at the center of many divorces, particularly at low-income levels. A new study shines a light on income and divorce and how more money means fewer problems. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles Divorce, and the RAND Corporation found that divorce rates for low-income workers decline as minimum wage levels rise […]

The saga of a UK woman who installed a gate on the side of her house to keep back an over-intrusive mother-in-law highlights the complicated role of relationships between spouses and each other’s parents. The anonymous woman recently won the backing of the internet masses after describing the situation on the popular forum Mumsnet. The […]

Judges are human. They have bad days like the rest of us. They make mistakes like the rest of us. Bias is a whole different ball game than just a bad ruling. A biased judge consistently rules in one spouse’s favor: no matter the motion, no matter the evidence. If you feel that is happening in […]

There are a lot of different terms describing child custody and people often have different opinions about what each term means. A parent will often call us and claim that they “got full custody.” And then their friend really thinks that they really need full custody as well. But what does full custody really mean? Let’s face […]

When spouses think about investigating their spouse, they often think about hiring a private investigator who will catch the cheating spouse, then the judge will rule in their favor, and they will get most of the assets. That’s not how divorce works. Worse yet, cheating does not impact a divorce as much as most spouses think it will. […]

What is a Motion for Temporary Relief? While litigation, like a divorce or child custody dispute, is pending, Michigan Court Rules allow the judge to order temporary relief. There are limits to what the judge may order. For example, the judge may not order a final property division. Spouses or parents often need a Temporary Order to establish: A […]

Getting divorced can be an emotionally taxing experience that raises a number of complicated life questions. It can also come with a wide range of financial issues, often including how property will be divided and whether one spouse will pay the other alimony or child support. One common financial planning question that comes up, especially when […]

If you are reading this, you may have just been served with documents that included the words “ex parte”. It may have been a motion, a petition, or an order. You probably received the document from a process server, and that signaled to you that this was pretty serious (and yes, this is serious!). Even if you […]

Child support is based on a specific formula. Either your attorney, the Friend of the Court, or a judge will calculate the child support amount. When a parent has limited or no income, they are surprised when they still have to pay support. For example, a stay-at-home mom with no income may still be ordered to pay […]

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