Year: 2021

When an addicted spouse fails or refuses to seek treatment for an addiction, such as an alcohol, drug, sex, or gambling addiction, a divorce sometimes becomes inevitable. Unfortunately, after struggling as a family unit, the divorce is often a struggle as well. Our Grand Rapids divorce attorneys outlined some of the difficulties. Addiction Can Lead to a Sudden Divorce […]

How Co-Parenting Apps Can Help Divorcing Parents Navigate Child Visitation Getting a divorce is often a difficult, stressful, and emotional experience, especially for couples with kids. At Kraayeveld Family Law, we often tell clients that it doesn’t necessarily have to require a long and contentious court battle. There are several legal tools that a Grand Rapids child […]

What to Expect Regarding Child Custody for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West? It is a new year and there will be new divorces for many couples. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have announced that they will likely get a divorce, and one wonders: how will a judge decide child custody in their situation? We must […]

After making it through the holidays, many couples decide a new year is a good time for new beginnings and file for divorce …. including Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.  Will their divorce be different than your average West Michigan divorce?  How will their divorce be different and how will it be similar? The West/Kardashian couple may […]