Year: 2019

Same-sex couples looking to have children often consider turning to services like adoption or in vitro fertilization. What’s out of the ordinary is when a sperm donor demands that he has parental rights. Jermaine Walker is locked in a court battle with Dian Stephens and Connie Brown over a nine-year-old girl. Walker and Stephens were […]

It turns out the second time was the charm for one pair of Michigan “newlyweds.” Philip Timmer and Trisha Stewart, of Montcalm Company, in December went before a local judge to be married. It was the second time the couple said their vows in two years. That’s because sometime after they initially married in 2016, […]

When a child is born to married parents, the husband is legally the father of the child, unless the court determines otherwise during litigation. If parents are not married, the father can become the legal father of the child when the judge orders that he is the father (after the opportunity for DNA testing and a […]

February 11-17 is Children of Alcoholics week. During this week, we and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NCADD) would like to bring awareness to the hidden problem of alcoholism and the support available to those families. When one parent abuses alcohol or other substances, it will take a toll on the relationship between the […]

If you are getting ready to file your taxes for the first time after your divorce or final custody order, there are important things to consider such as the child credit, transfer taxes on real estate and retirement accounts and deductions for spousal support. Read on to see what information we’ve gathered for you. First, we […]