Year: 2019

Every parent could use some inspiration what to do with the kids this Christmas break, and we’re here to help with our top suggestions! Let’s start the Christmas spirit with an early afternoon at the Critter Barn to see their live nativity. It’s free although they accept donations. Or, if you don’t have little kids, visit […]
Maybe this is your first year after your separation and you are alone for some or all of the holidays. Maybe this is a repeat event, and you are getting pretty tired of missing one of the most joyous days and experiencing one of the most painful days. How can you cope? Create a Plan […]

Today we witnessed the swearing in of attorney Aaron P. Bainbridge. We are excited that Aaron accepted a position at our firm and joined our team of family law attorneys. Aaron has been passionate about helping people and becoming an attorney since eighth grade when he participated in a mock trial in school. After graduating […]

Woodruff is nearly five months old and went on his first trip to the court building. Attorney Kendra Ortega attended several hearings in the 17th Circuit Court, and Woodruff accompanied her. It was quite an adventure for Woodruff and Kendra. When attending a hearing at the 17th Circuit Court, litigants and attorneys must first go through security. Woodruff managed […]

Recently I read an interesting article of a young man who knew he was conceived with the assistance of an anonymous donor, and after a home genetic test learned that he had 32 half siblings. There are similar stories online such as an anonymous donor who now invites his many, many donor children to a lake […]

Today, October 10, is Mental Health Awareness Day. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. These two subjects often intersect; sometimes with disastrous results. Let’s explore. In a domestic abuse situation, the physical abuse is frequently accompanied by emotional abuse. To prevent the victim from reporting the abuse, the abuser will often create an environment where the victim […]

The Michigan Court of Appeals issued an interesting opinion yesterday. As you may know, the Court of Appeals reviews a lower court’s ruling to determine whether the judge followed Michigan law. At the trial level, one judge rules on the matter; at the Court of Appeals level, three judges review the case. The Court of Appeals […]

Yesterday, September 12, 2019, the Court of Appeals issued a published opinion reversing a change of custody that was ordered by an Ionia County judge. This means that the little three-year-old girl was living with mom, then she moved to dad’s custody, and now due to what we believe were technical errors made by dad, the child […]

So much in life is about expectations. We become angry when our expectations aren’t met. When parents live separated, they usually develop different routines, different lifestyles, and when confronted with the other parent’s differences, frustrations abound. We’ve listed some of the conflicts we repeatedly saw last school year and what could be reasonable resolutions to those […]

It’s that time of year again: the first day of school for kids; sports teams meet again; book clubs meet again, and we are reminded again that structure and routine have its benefits. After a divorce, the structure and routine are destroyed. In the past, mom fixed the lunches in the evening; dad got the kids […]